Regional show of all breeds - MSKS and club show of terriers in Zbraslav Brno 25.08.2024
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Exc.1, Regional Winner, Class Winner, CC
!!!Medík splnil podmímky klubového šampiona mladých!!!
Děkujeme za hodnocení specialistovi na teriéry FCI III panu rozhodčímu František Polehňa.
Děkujeme pořadatelům za pěkné ceny.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus – Annie
Exc.1, Regional Winner, Class Winner, CC
IDS Interdog Bohemia CACIB Mladá Boleslav 17.08.2024
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Best of Breed
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus – Annie
Best of Opposite
Děkujeme za pěkné hodnocení z kruhu váženému rozhodčímu panu Vladimíru Hutečkovi, specialistovi na teriéry.
Finálovou soutěž dvojic posuzoval rozhodčí Dudáš Ondrej SK a skupinu FCI III posuzoval rozhodčí Polehňa František.
Bylo to letní odpoledne strávené s milými lidmi.

Dog Show Salzburg 2xCACIB + Mozart Klubschau for Terrier
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Class mediate, 3M/1F
Exc.1, CACA, r.CACIB
judge: Christine Rossier (CH)
Exc.1, CACA, Best CAC Male, BOB, Club Winner – judge: Gerhard Pöllinger-Sorré (AT)
Exc.1, CACA, r.CACIB (CACIB), Titel Alpensieger, judge: Elisabeth Feuz (CH)
Děkujeme všem rozhodčím za pěkné posudky. Nejvíce oceňujeme názor odborníka na teriéry od váženého rozhodčího pana Pöllingera. Jeho mazlivý přístup ke každému posuzovanému psovi si budeme dlouho pamatovat.
A ještě větší poklona patří dámám, které pracovaly na kruhu číslo devět. Nejen, že byly usměvavé a srdečné, ale druhý den ráno samy obcházely ring, osobně přinesly startovní čísla… a, dej pozor, navíc nabízely sladkosti. „Vzácné to ženy.“ Děkuji všem v Rakousku za krásný zážitek.
Tři představení, tři psi, pokaždé jiný vítěz. Máme pár videí, ale nechceme si kazit profil, aby nedošlo k záměně. Navíc je tu paní…která pořád něco říká rozhodčím…
Děkujeme rakouským kolemjdoucím za pěkné fotky z ringu…

Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
1xBOS a 2xBOB
Annie se stala v sobotu 20.07.2024 !!! GRAND ŠAMPIONEM MAĎARSKA !!!
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medik
1xBOB a 2xBOS
Splnil podmínky speciálního šampionátu a stal se !!! ŠAMPIONEM MAĎARSKA !!!
Jsme velmi hrdí na naše psí dětičky
Velké poděkování patří váženým rozhodčím: Péter Harsányi, Szilvia Gróf and Balázsovits Jánosné za jejich profesionální přístup za všech okolností v takovém horku.
Velký obdiv patří Gáboru Korózsovi prezidentovi MEOESZ a za jeho přátelskost, kterou projevoval ke každému.

National and club dog show in Hallbergmoos 13.-14.07.2024
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus Medík
Class: intermediate
Exc1, Anw.Dt.CH.VDH, CAC Club
Best Adult Male, Best of Breed
Exc1, Anw.Dt.CH.VDH, CAC Club
Best Adult Male, Best of Breed
Jacobs Rainer (DE)
Zilli Orietta (I)
Velké poděkování patří paní rozhodčí Zilli Orietta za užší výběr na klubové výstavě ve finálové soutěži.
Velmi mile nás překvapil vřelý a přátelský přístup váženého rozhodčího Jacobse Rainera.
Překvapilo nás, že i když nad námi létala letadla, našim čtyřnohým kamarádům to nevadilo. Expozice je na pěkném místě s obrovskou stylovou restaurací.
Intercanis BRNO MVP 22.06.2024
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus – Annie
Best of Breed
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Best of Opposite
Judge in the ring: M.Hegr Klivarová
Judge BIG III: P.Muzslai
Velmi děkujeme empatickému rozhodčímu P. Muzslaiovi z Maďarska za užší výběr pěti bedlingtonteriérských párů z patnácti přihlášených do soutěže.
Velké poděkování patří elegantní a usměvavé rozhodčí Martině Hegr Klivarové za perfektní a láskyplný přístup ke každému mazlíčkovi. Každý posudek pejska je krásný originál. Jsme za ně moc rádi.
Děkujeme za pěkné ceny sladěné v modré barvě.
Děkujeme za návštěvu našeho štěňátka Eddieho ze Slovenska, bylo skvělé vás vidět.
A neumíme si představit, že bychom ve finálovém kole neměli naše přátele. Pěkně jsme se bavili.

DOG EXPO NITRA 14.-16.6.2024 SK
Výlet s Medíkem na Slovensko s nejlepšími výsledky
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus
Hoenderken Hildeward, NL
Gorjao-Henriques Luis, PT
Ostrowski Adam, PL
Všem rozhodčím patří velký dík za jejich práci v kruhu a skvělé posudky. Velmi si toho vážíme
Poděkování patří také skvělé organizaci, zejména v závěrečných soutěžích
fotky z mobilu od Martina z CHS Bohemia Opus
National Dog Show Gniazdow 18.05.2024 PL
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Best of Breed – BOB
Best in group – BIG 3
Děkuji váženým rozhodčím paní Joanna Śmidoda (PL) za krásné posuzování v kruhu a rozhodčí Natasha Kraljevska Nasteska (MK) za super výběr v závěrečných soutěžích FCI III. Jsme velmi šťastní a hrdí.

08.05. Regional club show ofthe Terrier Breeders Club Staňkov
Our dream has come true. Medic and Annie became the stars of the show. For Medik, it was also the last participation in the youth show and the first time 1st place – Best young dog of the show.
ü Zbyněk Kubík judge in the ring
ü Ladislav Frnčo judge best junior male of the show
ü Martina Hegr Klivarová judge BIG III
Ø Grooming and photo husband Martin
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus -Medík
Junior class:
Excellent 1
Winner of class
Best junior male of the Show
1st place!!! (JBIG1)
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Winners class:
Excellent 1
Winner of class
Regional winner
Winner of Group FCI III –
3rd place!!! (BIG3)
We thank all the judges for the excellent evaluations of our pets and the beautiful prizes from the show organizers.
The journey to Staňkov was long, the morning was very cold, but it was worth it. Not only because of the great location of both our dogs, but also because of a nice meeting with friends. It wouldn't be the same without you.
result: výsledky24.pdf (
04/26/2024 WDS ZAGREB 2024 CROATIA
We participated in the World Dog Show WDS Zagreb in Croatia. 48 Bedlington terriers (24 male, 24 female) were registered at WDS. Our breeding made us very happy again. We are rightly proud of them.
Thank you to all the judges for the nice evaluations. We are still waiting for possible photos from the photographer.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
WDS – 2/5 r.CAC
judge Branislav Rajic Bane (SI)
NDS – Exc.1, CAC judge Ricardo Torre Simões (BR)
IDS – Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB
judge Lauri Heinesche (LU)
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus Medík
WDS – Exc.1/2,CAC
NDS – Exc.1, CAC
IDS – Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB
Annie in the final round of FCI III Slovenia Maribor

Over the long weekend, the champions of Slovenia

20.-22.04.2024 DOG SHOW WEEKEND MARIBOR 2024 SI, CAC, 2xCACIB+1special club Show
We still haven't recovered from the eight day tour with our canines. We traveled to Slovenia and then transferred to WDS to Croatia. I was worried that the dogs would be tired, because they are not used to traveling for such a long time after exhibitions, but they were wonderful as always. So now let's see how they succeeded in SLOVAKIA. Together, in the competition, the best couple won 3rd and 2nd place on both days. We are really proud of them.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Open class:
3xBest female
1xBOS 1x from club show !!!!
2xBest of Breed (BOB)
BEST COUPLE 2x – 2nd and 3rd place!!!!!
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus Medík
16 months:
3xBest male
2x Best of opposite (BOS)
1x BOB from club show !!!!
more photos from the MVP exhibition in České Budějovice

13/04/2024 International dog show in České Budějovice

Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Class champion:
Exc. 1
Best of Breed (BOB)
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus Medík (16 months)
Class intermediate:
Best of opposite (BOS)
BOB judge: Smékal Dalibor (CZ)
judge BIG III: Lozic Željko (SRB)
Best couple: Renata Cepková (CZ)
Rating in the circle of Annie:
Vynikající hlava, oko, ucho, výborná horní linie,
excellent angulation of both pairs of limbs, excellent grooming, rightfully belongs to the champion class. Wow. Thank you for the nice review, Mr. Judge Smekal Dalibor
Final competitions:
Best pair of dogs 3rd place bedlingtoni !!! from 14 pairs of Bedlingtoni, we thank the respected judge Renata Cepkova.
Winner of FCI Group III. – BIG 4th place!!! from more than 20 presented terriers. We thank the respected referee Lozic Željko.
We thank all our friends for a great sunny day spent with them at the MVP, for the beautiful awards from all the judges, for the perfect organization in and out of the ring. We are extremely grateful and proud of the results of our pets.
We will bring more photos from the exhibitions...
Annie got her next GRAND CHAMPION title, this time from Poland

16.03.2024 National dog show in Brno - Špilberka
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Junior class:
Excellent 1,
Best of Breed (BOB)
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Winners class:
Excellent 1
National Winner
Best of the opposite (BOS)
I would like to thank the judge Robert Kubes for the wonderful reviews of our Bedlington terriers. It was a concert to watch circle number nine at their work.
We are very proud of our breeding. "Medic" is our treasure and a dream come true.

02.03.2024 Club dog show in České Budějovice

Final competitions:
!!!!Best pair of dogs 1st place Bedlington terriers Bohemia Opus!!!!
judge: Kučerová Martina
Out of 12 entered couples in the final competition, our Annie and Medik won 1st place. Gentlemen!!! Many thanks to the judge: Martina Kučerová, for such a beautiful award.
It was a very nicely organized exhibition in South Bohemia with an incredible amount of beautiful and big prizes and attention for every participant. Thank you
Hungaria Show Champion
Hungaria Junior Champion

3x IDS FEHOVA winter doog show i Budapest 08.-11.02.2024
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus
Excelent 1
HPJ/Junior Winner
Best Junior
Best od Breed
Fulfilled conditions of Hungarian junior sampion
♥️Annie Angel Bohemia Opus♥️Annie
Excelent 1
Champion CAC
Best of Opposite
Fulfilled conditions of Hungarian show champion
Honorary judges of this show were:
István Csík DE (4 bedlingtons)
Bojan Matakovic HR (8 bedlingtons)
Denk Csaba HU (6 bedlingtons)
We appreciate the best reviews of our breed, especially from terrier experts. thank you very much
We have great memories of Budapest, not only beautiful results, but also great outdoor areas for walking dogs and clean. Maďarští chovatelé bedlingtonů nás srdečně přivítali. Byla tam příjemná atmosféra. Přátelství mezi nimi je obdivuhodné

IDS Lubin Poland 27.01.2024

Judge: Seidel Lucyna PL. Thank you
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Champion class:
Excellent 1
Fulfilled conditions of GRAND CHAMPION OF POLAND
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Junior Class:
Excellent 1
Fulfilled conditions of JUNIOR CHAMPION OF POLAND
Imaginative diploma plates with an image of the exhibition hall. Nice exhibition, only the evening trip to Poland was very demanding on the weather. Quite strong gusts of wind, sometimes cars were swayed, and there was also torrential rain. Even on Saturday morning, a strong cold wind was still blowing.
Národní výstava psů Brno 06.01.2024
Complete results from the dog show:
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Winner class:
Excellent 1
national winner
BOB – Best of Breed
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medik
Junior class :
Excellent 1
BOS – Best of the Opposite
Junior champion of the Czech Republic
Judge: Márová Petra
Handling: Bohemia Opus
Grooming: Bohemia Opus
Final competitions:
Dog handling: Petra Kolegarová
Medik advanced to the shortlist for TOP 3 in JBIG FCI III,
judge: Márová PetraThank you
Nejlepší pár psů 1. místo pro bedlingtony Annie a Medik
Judge: Mudra AntonínThank you
Thank you Petra for a great presentation of our bedlingtons
from the final competitions. Great!!
Thanks to all the judges.
Our big thanks for the perfect organization of the entire exhibition, for the beautiful prices and super
meeting with friends.
We are proud to announce that our kennel won BOB, BOS and 1x BOJ on both days. We were only signed up for two of the three days. The most Bedlington terriers were registered on Friday and Saturday. V sobotu bylo posouzených 11 bedlingtonů. Na nedělní výstavě 10.12.2023 bylo posouzeno už jen 5 bedlingtonů.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
08.12.2023 – class open: Excellent 1 (1/2), CAC, CACIB, BOS – judge: Horswell Jeff
09.12.2023 – champion class: Excellent 1(1/2), CAC, CACIB, BOB
Crufts Qualification ‚2024
judge: Kubík Zbyněk
Casper Bohemia Opus
08.12.2023 – class open: Excellent 1 (1/2), CAC, CACIB, BOB– judge: Horswell Jeff
09.12.2023 – class open: Excellent 1 (1/2), CAC, CACIB, BOS– judge: Kubík Zbyněk
Crufts Qualification ‚2024
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus
08.12.2023 – junior class: Excellent 1 (1/2), CAJC CZ, CACIB-J, BOJ– judge: Horswell Jeff
09.12.2023- junior class: Excellent 2– judge: Kubík Zbyněk
Thank you to all the judges for the beautiful evaluation of our darlings. First of all, we are grateful that after a long time we were able to be evaluated by an independent and, for many exhibitors, foreign judge from England. We appreciate that very much. Even in the final competitions of FCI III, there were less familiar faces than usual. Finally, thank you for the beautiful medals with Prague Castle. They will be a wonderful memory for us.
More results at ČMKU 08.12.2023 and 09.12.2023 here:

WELS IHA 01.-03.12.2023
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
class open: 2x BOB
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – „Medík“
Junior class: 1x BOB, 2x BOS
01.12.2023 IHA WELS 2023 – SIEGER WELS – Jugendbester, Jugensieger Wels 2023, Bester Junghund, BOB
02.12.2023 IHA WELS 2023 – WINTER TROPHY – Jungendbester, Jugend WINTER TROPHY 2023, Bester Junghund, BOS
03.12.2023 IHA WELS 2023 – CHRISTMAS WINTER – Jungendbester, Jugend CHRISTAS WINNER 2023, Bester Junghund, BOS
!!!!!!Medík fulfilled the conditions for the title of Austrian champion!!!!!!
Many thanks to the referees Jens Ruck, Harsányi Péter and Dollmann Sissy.
Thank you for the beautiful bows from Wels.
In Austria, all dogs must have tactile hair left, but since Bedlingtons are cut off according to the standard in these places, we went to Austria with bearded and overgrown heads. In addition, we did not expect to experience a snow disaster. Snowy, unimproved roads and the exhibition parking lot and constant snowfall. As soon as we needed to walk the dog, we immediately stood in a pile of snow. So very bad conditions for Bedlington to keep their coat in show form. In the end, we took home the top prizes from WELS.
PS: They send the degree from Austria by post, so far it is free. Unbelievable, before we had time to write the results of our darlings on these pages, we already have the confirmed title of "Medic" at home. Arrived within a week!! Thank you for the lovely pre-Christmas mail.

Danube CACIB three days Bratislava with our "Medik".
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus
Junior class:
27.10.2023 – Exc.1, CAJC, FCI-CACIB-J, Junior BOB
28.10.2023 – Exc.1, CAJC, FCI-CACIB-J, Junior BOB
29.10.2023 – Exc.1, CAJC, FCI-CACIB-J, Junior BOB
"Medik" is in three days
We thank all the judges Korózs Gábor (HU), Szalai František (SK) and Vondrouš Otakar (CZ) for the beautiful reviews and words that please.
Thank you also for shortlisting us for Saturday's final junior competition, where there can only be one winner.
Thank you to all the friends we were able to meet and for a magical Saturday evening with the owners and our friends Medic brother Theoushka.

International dog show in České Budějovice on 07.10.2023
Judge: LOZIĆ Žejlko /SRB/
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Champion class:
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Best of Breed
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Junior class:
Excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOS
The best of the opposite
Many thanks to the judge Željko Lozic for the best award of our canine pets in the ring.
Thank you for a nicely organized exhibition. It was a pleasure to see the dedicated work of the circle leaders in Pavilion B4. Thank you
And again we had unusually wonderful weather for the beginning of October (20-22 degrees in the afternoon).

23.-24.09.2023 International Dog Show DUO CACIB Wroclaw Poland
Judge: Bohuslav Chmiel PL
Judge: Kevin Brown DE
Our Medik entered the youth class for the first time in Poland
Excellent 1, Best Young, CACIB-J,
Best of breed
Excellent 1, Best young, CACIB-J
Our Annie only joined on Saturday
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best female
The best of the opposite sex
We thank the judges for the beautiful reviews of our darlings. Thank you for a great exhibition in Poland and for a nice meeting with our friends. And the sky warmed us all beautifully.

16/09/2023 Šumava International dog show Klatovy
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Judge: Olga Dolejsová
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Šumava winner
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Very promising 1
In the final competition Best youngster 3rd place - Judge: Höllbacher Gabriela AT
A big thank you to the Austrian judge Hollbacher Gabriele for the 3rd place in the final competition for the best youngster from such a large number of entries. We are very happy.
It was a beautiful sunny day with a wonderful atmosphere among friends. Many thanks for a well-organized exhibition.

IV. mezinárodní výstava psů Rybnik-Kamień v Polsku PL 02.09.2023
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Judge: Malgorzata Lorenc, PL
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Group III Finals - BOG 4
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Very promising 1
We thank the Slovenian judge, Tatjana Urek SI, for choosing us in such great competition in the final competition of Group III.
We thank all our friends for a pleasant time spent

4. Krajská a klubová výstava Brno Zbraslav 2023
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Judge: František Polehňa
Výborný 1
Vítěz třídy
Regionální vítěz
Klubový vítěz CC
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus – Medík
Very promising 1
Best pair of dogs 2nd place!!!
Judge: Leoš Jančík
Thank you for the beautiful evaluation and especially to Mr. Jančík for the selection in the final competition.

18.-20.08.2023 IDS Duodanube Bratislava
IDS Duodanube Bratislava 18.-20.8.2023
*Annie Angel Bohemia Opus*Annie*
18.8. Ex.1, CAC, c.CACIB judge: Fintorová Ľudmila SK
19.8.- Ex.1, CAC judge: Smékal Dalibor CZ
20.8.- Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB judge: Seman Pavol SK
*Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus*Medík*
18.8.2023 – VN1
19.8.2023 – VN1
20.8.2023 – VN1
In just three days in such hot weather, our Annie became the Grand Champion of Slovakia and our Medík the Slovak Puppy Champion.
We are proud of our pets as they performed beautifully throughout the three demanding days.
We thank all the judges for the nice reviews Fintorová Ľudmila SK, Smékal Dalibor CZ and Seman Pavola SK.
Big thanks to all the friends who came to visit and support us. It was a nice time spent with you.

24.06.2023 Intercanis Brno
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
class: champion
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Judge: Denk Scaba (HU)
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus „Medík“
class Puppy 6-9 months
Very promising 1
At this Bedlington show, Annie was, for us, the most beautiful female of the show. She performed really beautifully and it was a pleasure just to accompany her. We are really proud of our breeding.
Thanks for the lovely review…
03.06.-04.06.2023 Jelenia Góra CAC (PL)
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus „Anička“
Champion class:
2x excellent 1, CWC
The best of the breed BOB
Judge: Zoran Roknic (RS), Grzegorz Robak (PL)
We thank the judges for the beautiful assessment and selection in the final competition.
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus
class Puppy 3-6 months
We only took part in the final "BEST COUPLE" competition for the second time. And the world is amazed: the judge from Portugal Mr. Pedro Ivo Santos Bispo (PT) chose us and even awarded us 1st place. We will probably never forget that. Many, many thanks.

27.05.2023 Mezinárodní výstava psů IDS Litoměřice
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
class champion: Excellent 1,CAC, CACIB, BOB
Best of breed
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus “ Méďa“
class puppy
very promising 1
Judge: Leoš Jančík
Thank you for the nice review of our pets. Thank you also for the beautiful weather and especially the organization of this exhibition. So far, probably the best dog show in our country in terms of organization. Many stalls for pets, a large selection of food and seating. Cool.

19.05.2023 Evropská výstava psů EDS 2023 Herning Dánsko - celkem 28 bedlingtonů z toho 11 psů a 17 fen
Our trip to Denmark was a great success for us. We took with us our 3.5-year-old girl Annie and a 5-month-old boy named Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus, whom we call differently at home "Medík, Médí, Méďa, Meddy, Meďan ...
And what are our results?:
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus jako "Anička"
Champion class
Excellent 1, res.CACIB
2. best female of the BREED!!!! of 17 females
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus jako "Medík"
třída: Baby puppy
Europe's Future Hope 2023!
Judge: Satu Jarvinen DK
The wonderful lady judge, who had a lot of patience, fortunately did not judge the language barrier, but she really cared about the dogs. Thank you very much for the beautiful memories of Denmark.
Note: In some Nordic countries there is a deal that you only need to have one wait in your class and you will bring the champion of Denmark. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the champion class, as it was in France. Here, only one CAC will be selected from all these intermediate, open and champion classes. Only if the winner of the female CAC had an already confirmed interchampion (C-I-B.), then the female behind her, i.e. res. CAC, res CACIB could also be champion of Denmark.
Ale, že naše Annie je vítězkou třídy šampionů a druhou nejlepší fenou výstavy ze sedmnácti fen je nádherný pocit.
Díky Dánsko.
Preview of EDS Denmark 2023 results:
08.05.2023 Club dog show Staňkov near Pilsen
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
class champion:
Excellent 1, class winner, club winner and regional winner
Dragon Heart Bohemia Opus - the first exhibition of our little "Medík"
puppy class: Very promising 1
Judge: Petra Márová
Thank you for the nice review of the judge Petra Márová.

15/04/2023 International dog show in České Budějovice
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Champion class:Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Breed: Bedlington Terrier 3M/5F
Judge: Robert Kubeš
Thank you to the referee for the beautiful assessment. Much admiration goes to all the judges who had to judge all day this weekend in very bad weather…
Many thanks to my son Pavlo for accompanying me, filming the video and supporting me at the exhibition
We are very proud of our Annie, who became the breed winner again after her first litter of puppies♥️
After more than a month of weaning Annie from the puppies, we took the risk and took the opportunity to exhibit her abroad. Annie again pleasantly surprised us and performed beautifully. We have already reported on the first exhibition day.
So let's summarize.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Open class
Open class
Conditions fulfilled for SLOVAK CHAMPION OF BEAUTY
We thank the referee Vladimír Piskay, SK
The judge decided not to award the CACIB to any adult Bedlington on this day.
class champion:
excellent 1/2, CAC, CACIB
Slovak winner
We thank the referee Denk Csaba László, HU
Thank you for a very pleasant meeting on Saturday with the respected cynologist Mr. Švéda♥️. We were honored.
A big thanks to my husband for making Sunday's video and for the trip abroad
On 03/17/2023, we still forgot to mention that our Annie Angel Bohemia Opus repeated the victory in the competition "Best KCHT Terrier for the year 2022" in the Bedlington Terrier breed - winner of the breed.

06.12.2022 Our Annie received an officially confirmed C.I.B. Interchampion by post. from Belgium

21/10/2022 - on 08/10/2022 the International Dog Show took place in České Budějovice
9 Bedlington Terriers were registered, 4 boys and 5 girls!! 4M/5F
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Champion class
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
I would like to thank referee Robert Kubes for the nice evaluation and, as always, Kristýna Hnětilová for the excellent work done in circle number 8.
At the beginning of September, the confirmed CHAMPION OF HUNGARY arrived from Hungary to our Annie MAĎARSKA

28.8.2022 KK Zetor Brno
2 males and 4 females (2M/4F) were registered
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Winner class: Excellent 1, Class winner, Regional winner, club winner
Judge: Gabriela Štursová

21.8.2022 Legnickie Pole - national dog show in Poland
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
Thank you to judge Piotr Król (PL) for the beautiful evaluation of our Annie
Stalo se poprvé, kdy jsme s bedlington teriérem cestovali dva dny v neustávajícím dešti. Je snad nemožné udržet bedlingtona ve výstavní kondici a je to daleko horší než kdejaká konkurence. Při příjezdu do hotelu nás uvítalo jezero před vjezdem a to samé i u vstupu na výstavu. Naštěstí pan rozhodčí nám zvedl náladu svým milým vystupováním, při kterém bavil i ostatní vystavující. After the evaluation, we quickly left the stadium and preferred to travel home. And since we didn't stay until the final competitions, we don't even have a cup for BOB.
Anička met the conditions for the Polish champion here. Now we can ask for it.
25.6.2022 international dog show Intercanis Brno
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus she received an award
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Judge Smékal Dalibor
Today our Annie met the conditions for INTERCHAMPION. (3 země CACIB, rok a den, 3 rozhodčí)
Now we can ask for it.
International dog show Litoměřice 21.5.2022
5.5.-7.5.2022 NITRADOG
5.-7.5.2022 Nitradog Slovakia
♥️Annie Angel Bohemia Opus♥️
5.5.2022 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
6.5.2022 – V1, CAC, CACIB
7.5.2022 – V1, CAC, CACIB
Thank you for a nice evaluation of our Annie from judges Stanislav Bučko, Jaroslav Kubala and Monika Uhlíková.
It was an unforgettable experience to watch a very sympathetic and positive judge Stanislav Bučko, who not only did not look at the other side of the leash, but spread positive thoughts and advice. There are not many like that. THANKS ♥ ️
We are also adding photos from Nitra.
23.4.-24.4.2022 EDS Paris
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
EDS European Dog Show Paris 24.4.2022, 24 bedlingtons
Judge: Vojan Matakovic (HR)
Excellent 3, 3/7 open class
Video: EDS Paris 2022
Results: enter bedlington terrier
Championship de France 23.4.2022
Excellent 2
Video: CHampionat de France 2022
We're glad to have you, Annie. You make us very happy. You did a great job in Paris too. Máme tě moc rádi. Děkuji Annie
My biggest thanks go to my husband for taking care of Annie, for the photos, videos and for the trip as a birthday present. Thank you
Interesting: In France, only one CAC is entered in the breed and is selected from the intermediate class and the open class. It is not awarded in the champion class.
Interesting: The French Championship can only be awarded to those who submit a DNA profile and at the same time must take part in the so-called character tests, which can be obtained at their national show. The exception is young dogs up to one year old, they do not have to meet the characteristics.lastnosti.
získala další rovnou dva šampiony. Jsme na ní pyšní
International dog show České Budějovice
2.dubna 2022 April 2, 2022 International dog show in České Budějovice. Registered were 2 males and 5 females. Annie won the best award in the breed and performed beautifully in the final round of big. She missed the award in the final round by one place. There she finished in 6th place without a prize. It is our treasure.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Breed winner
Judge: Nováková Iveta
Grooming and videos of Bohemia Opus.
The weather was bad and it was snowing all day.
Terrier Club Show (KCHT) České Budějovice
March 5, 2022 club dog show in České Budějovice. Annie performed beautifully in the show class. She made us very happy.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
Breed winner
Thank you for the beautiful evaluation of Mrs. Nováková Iveta.
Most of all, however, I have to thank my son for the accompaniment, moral support and video recording. Thanks
Katowice International Dog Show
Feb 12, 2022 Annie and I went beyond our borders to Poland, where the International Dog Show Katowice - (Gliwice Sports Hall) took place. French judge J.J. Dupas was changed to Polish referee Szutkiewicz Andrzej at the last minute. A total of 15 Bedlingtons participated.
Anička in the champion class 1/2 performed beautifully and went to the next round with another competition for CACIB…
In the last round, two boys and two girls fought for BOB and BOS.
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
💖💖 won a wonderful award:
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
The best Female
In addition, beautiful cockades sponsored by Marcin Hawro were prepared just for the Bedlingtons. For which we thank him once again. Katowice will remain a beautiful memory for us.
Best terrier of the year KCHT
We are delighted today. Unexpectedly, our Annie received an award for the best terrier KCHT of the Czech republic in the BEAUTY 2021 category - Bedlington breed.

DUO CACIB International Dog Show
Budweis International Dog Show
9.10.2021 jsme s naší Annie Angel Bohemia Opus (Anička)
9.10.2021 with our 🥰 Annie Angel Bohemia Opus (Anička) 🥰 we went to this year due to the worse covid situation probably to the last bigger International Dog Show in České Budějovice✨ Anička was great.
Anička byla skvělá.
"Open class excellent 1/2"
⭐️ We thank the judge Iveta Nováková, and Kristýna Hnětilová💖 for the beautiful handling .
29.9.-30.9-1.10. In 2021 we made a big trip to Brno, where the World Dog Show took place after more than 30 years.
Part of the World Dog Show 2021 Brno was the international show CACIB SHOW on 29.9., As well as the extraordinary Special show of KCHT terriers at WDS 30.9. and finally the most prestigious World Dog Show in Brno 1.10.2021.
At these shows there was a representation of breeders, owners and handlers from many countries.
It was an unprecedented experience. After all, you won't be able to see 40 registered Bedlington Terriers together.

Many thanks to Anna Agel for the beautiful arrangement of our dog girls, great performance in the ring and living proof that we have a "World". Thanks Anna,… 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💞🇨🇿-🇸🇰. Anna Agel za překrásnou úpravu našich psích dívek, skvělé předvedení v kruhu a živý důkaz, že na “Světovku “ máme. Díky Anna, …–
Annie Angel Bohemia Opus
třída otevřená
Breeder and owner I (Marcela Pobudová) ✨
V1, CAC, res. CACIB
V1, CAC ( světová výstava)
Bonnie Bohemia Opus
Breeder me and owner Anna Agel✨
VN1, BIS Puppy 2
VN2 (světová výstava)
The father of litter A and B isNight Diamond Bos Grunniens
⭐️And finally the possibility to see the results⭐️WORLD DOG SHOW 2021⭐️
FCI III bedlington:
KCHT Brno ZETOR 2021 Dog Show
Our Annie Angel Bohemia Opus (Anička) took part in the KCHT Brno ZETOR Dog Show.
She brought home V1, CC, KV awards. In addition, we thank Markéta Kelblová for her fantastic handling and gain of the 3rd place in the final competition FCI III.
We are absolutely thrilled! Photogallery (exhibition Brno ZETOR)