- WE WIN THE TURTLE, only when she is healthy (she ate, had regular gains)
- TURTLES ARE NATURALLY WINTERED FROM THE OUTDOOR enclosure, as the temperature gradually drops in the autumn, the turtles usually stop eating on their own at the end of August. And when the shed is less than 5 ° C, the turtles, if the shed is not properly insulated and tempered, move to a room where the temperature is maintained around 3-6 ° C throughout the winter or put them in the refrigerator by the breeders.
They are stored in boxes with straw or soil with sand, damp shavings… To be safe, cover with rodent mesh. Check turtles regularly!
Někteří chovatelé před zimováním někdy na konci léta želvičky ještě vykoupou, aby se vyprázdnily.
- WINTER TIME. Dospělé želvy necháme spát celou zimu dle venkovních teplot se přesouvají do venkovní boudy asi v březnu. Želvy 3 leté zimujeme kratší dobu, dle stavu jedince a pravidelné kontroly. První zimování může být i jen 6 týdnů dle zdravotního stavu želvičky.
- WINTER PREPARATION FOR TERRARIUM TURTLES is not highly recommended because it is a lengthy process and individual for each individual.
If the turtle loses more than 10% of its weight during the checkweighing, it is necessary to wake up the turtle - winterize. - WINTERING. You must never put a turtle in the winter in the sun !!! The turtle wouldn't have to survive. It is advisable to take the turtle out in the evening, preferably when reporting for the next two to three days overcast or with rain, so that the turtle can acclimatize.
The same would be true if someone wanted to give the turtle straight TO TERRARIA AFTER WINTER:
1.-2. day move the turtle to the porch, where it is around 10 ° C
3.-4. day, transfer them to the corridor around 15 ° C.
Day 5 put them in the terrarium. But don't shine and don't heat !!! Just give them water.
On the 6th day, only the light will gradually turn on them
On the 7th day, you will gradually start to gradually add temperature to them.
It's exactly the same with feeding. The turtle should be allowed to gradually acclimatize to start its metabolism.
At this time, you can serve a small amount, such as otherwise not recommended lettuce for watering.
About 10-14 days after the start of wintering, the turtles in the terrarium could have everything according to the rules, see above. So the UVB is already lit and the temperature under the heat source is 37-45 ° C and they normally eat the recommended food.