Než si želvu pořídíte, je třeba promyslet, kde bude želvička bydlet. Nastudujte co nejvíce informací o suchozemských želvách na různých webech, facebook či jiných kanálech.
Lepší varianta je, když si želvičku pořídíte in springwhen it's warm and you settle the turtle in the garden with a hut and a pen, which you can best cover from above with a predator mesh. Those who do not dare to spend the winter turtle in the first year have some time to think and buy , house terrariumSo the possibilities and advantages and disadvantages that are:
- So the possibilities and advantages and disadvantages that are: with double bottom and top ventilation. The heat source needs to be placed more to one side of the terrarium (37-45 degrees), so that the turtles have the opportunity to be on the other side of the terrarium in the cooler part (20-24 degrees).
In smaller terrariums, there is a risk of turtles overheating, which very often leads to gradual death !! Therefore, catch the right conditions for your turtle in time with the right weight of the heat source in your terrarium. - or turtle table with a wall height of 25-30 cm – vypadá nádherně, přehledně Každý si může navrhnout neomezenou velikost. Materiál může být ze dřeva, dřevotřísky, skla nebo jejich kombinace. I když použijete nejsilnější výhřevné osvětlení, nikdy se nemusíte bát přehřátí želv. Důvodem je neudržitelnost potřebné teploty v otevřeném prostoru. Tedy velmi nákladné na energie a druhým důvodem je rozléhající zápach po celé místnosti. Ale po zkušenostech, bychom se my raději vrátili k teráriu.
We recommend having these turtles at home for up to three years of age. Then it is better to start preparing the turtles for winter. And to imitate their life as they would in nature. An experienced breeder winters his turtles even earlier. Wintering is suitable in the future for the proper reproduction of turtles for other reasons. For example, spatial.
If you do not have a garden, it is still possible to accommodate the turtle, for example, on your balcony. There are a lot of beautiful inspirations that you can find on other websites or on the Facebook profile in any group about turtles, where you can also discuss with other turtle breeders.
Outdoor quarters - enclosure for turtles consists of a fence made of mesh or wooden with a shed located rather on the south side with water, shelters and from the top of the enclosure, we recommend covering with mesh against predators. Some breeders also advise, depending on the species of turtles, to place the enclosure up to 40 cm below ground level as protection against turtle burrowing.
Other accessories to improve the paddock can be: pond, islands, elevated places, rocks, stones, ceramic bowls, wooden stumps, branches,…
If you transfer the turtle from the terrarium to the outdoor enclosure, do so until the night's outdoor temperatures climb above 10 degrees.
Don't return them home. Turtles move from April to May, depending on the weather, and the house does not return until the end of September, depending on the weather.
The size of the turtle shed looks like a dog shed with an opening roof, which does not have a bottom, so that the turtles can bury themselves in bad weather.